What is partial status?

Partial Status is when we partially refund the remains of an order. Sometimes for some reasons, we are unable to deliver a full order, so we refund you the remaining undelivered amount. Example: You bought an order with quantity 10 000 and charges 10$, let's say we delivered 9 000 and the remaining 1 000 we couldn't deliver, then we will "Partial" the order and refund you the remaining 1,000 (1$ in this example).

Pending / Processing / In Progress / Completed Meanings

Pending means that your order is awaiting recognition from the server to begin processing. Processing means that your order is recognized by the server and is getting closer to being delivered. In progress means that it has passed all the stages to check for errors and any issues and is waiting to be delivered or being delivered, it is normal to not see any delivery in this stage, it will come soon, once completed, your order is finished and has been completely delivered.

Do you have REAL people?

No, all services with [REAL] are realistic looking accounts.

Cancel button/refill button is not working for me?

The cancel or refill button sends a trigger to cancel or refill an order, it doesn't work instantly, it's just a trigger, sometimes it's too late to stop an order, and sometimes an order might not need a refill.

How to get YouTube comment link?

Find the timestamp that is located next to your username above your comment (for example: "3 days ago") and hover over it then right click and "Copy Link Address". The link will be something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12345&lc=a1b21etc instead of just https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12345 To be sure that you got the correct link, paste it in your browser's address bar and you will see that the comment is now the first one below the video and it says "Highlighted comment".

Which YouTube view service can be used with a monetizable video?

The one that has "Monetized" in its service' name

Which Spotify play/stream service can be used with a monetizable song?

The ones that has "Royalty Eligible" in its service.

What are Instagram mentions, and how do I use it?

Instagram Mention is when you mention someone on Instagram (example @abcde this means you have mentioned abcde under this post and abcde will receive a notification to check the post). Basically the Instagram Mentions [User Followers], you put the link of your post and the username of the person that you want us to mention HIS FOLLOWERS!

What are Instagram mentions, and how do I use it?

Impression means reach (also how many users have seen your post) it is mostly used with brands, they will ask you to show them statistic of the impressions your posts have.

What is Instagram saves and what do they do?

Instagram Saves is when a user saves a post to his history on Instagram (by pressing the save button near the like button). A lot of saves for a post increase its impression.

How long will my service take to arrive?

Service times vary and are not exact but have listed startup times under the specifications. 

What if a service goes out of order and I placed an order right before it went out of order?

Your order will most likely be canceled or be partially complete and you will be refunded the excess into your balance by the server.

Will I get banned using any of these services

Anything is possible and there is always a risk in every service, even though the risk is very minimal.

Can I resell your services?

Yes, you can resell our services and you can sell them for whatever price you desire but to get a reseller discount you'll have to spend at least $500 or deposit at least $500 into your account to get a 4% reseller discount on our services and $1,000 for a 10% discount. (Please open a ticket)

Note: All deposits are non refundable.

Do you give discounts for bulk orders?

The prices on here are one of the lowest already, only way to get cheaper discount is to apply for reseller(please refer to the question above).

Can my account be private that I want services sent to?

No, the account can absolutely not be private the service will not work on a private account and you will not be refunded.

Will my service drop and can you tell me by how much it will drop?

I cannot guarantee a specific amount that your services could drop, they could drop a lot, some, or none but you can refill it if specified in the service.

How do I withdraw my balance?

There is no way to withdraw your balance, all deposits are non refundable and must be used on our site.

Note: No refund or withdraw after a deposit is completed.